Monday, June 6, 2011

Funny Things in Nepal

Today I thought I would write about some of the funniest things I have noticed in Nepal. Well they are things i think are may not find them as funny as I do. I happen to be entertained very easily :) I will continuously add to this post as I come across more.

First up is the monkeys. I went back to monkey temple on Saturday and got a few good shots of the monkeys and one short video. The monkeys are very photogenic and love the cameras. I have been warned that you have to be careful around them because they like to steal shiny objects....kind of like humans! I got a few photos of a freshly born baby monkey hanging out with his parents and if you watch the video you can see his dad cleaning him but digging in his fur. Also notice how casual the monkeys pose for the camera.

2nd Funny Thing : THE POWERLINES

Nepal does not provide the best power (load shedding) and I think I know why. Look at the pictures below. Notice anything that does not look too safe? Often you can walk into lines that are dangling and lying partly on the ground as well.

Third Item: Meat anyone?

How about a goat head for dinner MOM? It is very tiny but there is a small goat head with teeth intact sitting on that table. Next time I am in Thamel I will try to get a closer picture. Goat heads are a delicacy here. Beside the goat head in the picture is other animal meat slabs laying out on the table for the day. They don't refrigerate the meet here...they just sell it on the street like you see in the picture. You only refrigerate it when you get home I guess.

Item #4 : The Washrooms

I do not need to write anything because I think the photo is self explanatory

Item 5: The Driving

I am used to the driving by now but I am still getting used to the safety standards for driving. Only the driver wears a helmet and the children seem to sometimes ride on the handlebars or sandwiched between parents. Check out the photo below I got when I was sitting in a Taxi on the way to Buddha's birthday. 4 people on a bike seems to be the maximum they do around here.


The cows are everywhere and they can stop traffic :)

Item #7: The heatttttttttttt and sun

This is not so much funny as it is painful and inconvenient. But I think it is partly funny because somewhere along the way while packing I did not think to bring sunscreen or any aloe vera...apparently i thought they wouldn't have more intense sun here. WRONG! Check out my bubbly skin I got from a burn this weekend. I think this is what you call a second degree burn from the sun or as some people say  "Skin poisoning". It is ok though cause to day I went out and bought the last bottle of spf 60 sunscreen at the department store. As the days go, my burn is turning yellow and is swollen and really funky gross looking, like a flesh eating thing going on. Its even got a ripple going on in it. Sorry to gross you out with pictures but I have to are very lucky the camera can only pick up a bit of the yellow funky tint and ripple going on.

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