Saturday, July 23, 2011

Picture Post!


This blog entry is dedicated to pictures. My last 2 blog entries were very dry and boring so this one is meant to be somewhat more exciting to look at. This week I have been blessed with the arrival of new volunteers at the CECI Passage house.  Some of these pictures are from our day adventure around Thamel and monkey temple. Some of the pictures are from a few days ago. Many thanks to Susan and Dr. Mark for letting me steal a few photos.
My new friend Susan and I at the top of Monkey Temple. Susan is a Leave4Change volunteer living in Nepal for a month! I have met soem really nice Canadians living in Nepal and I am very fortunate to get to experience everything with my new found friends :)

all the donations collected in Ottawa will be going towards helping dogs such as this one, who suffer from mites that burrow under the skin. The skin diseases and bugs cause dogs to scratch off all of the fur because of the itch and pain

My new friend Dr. Ma ma Mark Lipton (He is a doctor and takes care of us so he is known as Dr. Mama Mark Lipton) spinning the prayer wheels. Mark is also a Leave4Change volunteer living in Nepal for a month.
Bhudhist monks
Susan and I on the step up to the tope of Monkey Temple

Our very good comfy walking shoes for the day
One of hte CECI security guards always wearing  smile.

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